
Value added with good, deep breaths.

Rest. Peace. Calm.

Did you read over those words in a second flat looking to get on with it and get to the point? (Yeah, me too.) Let’s try that again, but this time take a breath between each word.

Rest.  |     Peace.    |   Calm.

In a world where busyness, clatter and chaos seem to bombard us at every turn, it can seem nearly impossible to experience rest, peace and calm. So, what would you say to a quick and simple practice that could usher bits of that into your day no matter where you are or what you’re dealing with? On top of that, it’s free!

First, fair warning: If we get to meet, it won’t take you long to realize that I completely geek out over the details of how intricately our bodies are designed. I promise not to make it boring, but seriously - it’s mind blowingly amazing.

Breathing is one of those geek-worthy design elements that is both basic and immaculately sophisticated. I take it for granted all to often. All it takes is a snotty nosed 3-year-old “sharing” their cold with you (side note – why can’t our noses as adults look as cute as that snotty 3-year-old’s…but I digress…) for a quick reminder of just how dearly we need good, quality breaths. You may be reading this with a keen sense of just how precious each breath is due to any number of breathing troubles. However, this is for you too.

Breathing is so much more than just exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen. Sure that’s important, but this isn’t science class and we’re looking to get to the even better stuff. So, in the words of Paul Harvey, “Now for the rest of the story.” (I used to love listening to him with my dad, but I’m getting off topic again…).

Did you know that air gets sucked into your lungs due to negative pressure? Yeah! Basically, the diaphragm pulls down while the muscles between your ribs pull up and out. This all works together to create an open space (negative pressure) in your lungs and in comes that sweet air! However, it doesn’t hitch a ride on the easy train alone. There’s a boost in blood flow return to your heart and improved lymphatic drainage all mixed with a moment of stress-relieving goodness. That’s right, just breathing well delivers much needed oxygen to your body tissues, helps remove unwanted gunk from your body and ushers out the mind junk all at the same time!

Now the breathing I’m talking about is not our regular, puny, half-minded effort we typically use to get through the day. You know the type I’m talking about - those shallow breaths that gradually lessen to a holding pattern and then lead to a startling deep breath just to start the cycle over again. No – the breathing that gives major benefits to your body and mind is deep, diaphragm breathing.

I could dive deep and fill this with links and references to studies showing the positive benefits associated with deep breathing techniques (I did leave a few below). Instead though, how about we just take a minute to test the waters? Unless of course, you don’t have any extra stress or tension of which to rid yourself. In that case, you can head on out because my craziness alone will likely add stress to your tension-less ways.

For the rest of us: Sit up nice a straight with your feet flat on the floor. 

Now, roll your shoulders up, back and around letting them settle in a good posture setting.

Wrap your hands around the bottom of your ribs on each side.

Slowly (but comfortably) breath in until you feel the bottom of your ribs expand. Now hold there for a few seconds. Focus on the stillness.

Gradually begin to let your breath out and let your neck, then shoulders, then back relax as the air leaves your chest.

Repeat this 3 or 4 times and each time let your mind and body relax into the stillness.

If you have a hard time with quiet, focus on your actual breaths. Since our brains adjust to what we surround ourselves with this could take time. If that is still too much stillness for you, try playing white noise or a nice rain sound to focus on while you breathe, hold then exhale.

As always, give yourself grace. You are learning something new and changing how you care for the precious person that is you – way to go friend!

written by Kelli Keller, D.O.

As promised…Here are a few articles highlighting some of the benefits of deep breathing:

NCBI study, Harvard Health, and More on the Lymphatic System.


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