All is ours.

A day worth celebrating.

I have loved to write since I was very young.

Writing usually comes naturally and words roll out of my fingers almost as fast as they do my mouth (the swirling mess of words in my mind is a completely different story). When I sat down to write this post, I had a solid idea and was feeling pretty important about tackling it. Yet, I would write a sentence or two then backspace, correct, re-write and eventually delete the whole paragraph. This went on for a bit until I admitted my flailing attempt was due to a not-quite-there level of understanding. I scrapped it for another day, sent a question to a trusted friend and stared at a white screen and blinking cursor.

I’ve learned that the feeling of expectation is often met with staring down a blank page. Not just in writing. In life too. I sat wanting to share something encouraging and worthy of your time. All the while hoping that the words written would speak encouragement to my heart as well.

It’s been a long week…ok a long couple of weeks…around here. Not bad. Just long.

I’m tired and a bit snotty (and not in the looking-down-my-nose way either). Sore from wrestling an almost-2-year-old that is equally snotty (and apparently sharpens his elbows in his spare time). So with plans thwarted and a blinking cursor mocking me, I did what (I suspect) every reasonable human does…

Dear, Google…Special celebration days April 8th

(Try not to be too jealous of my inspired abilities)

Google pulled through and set me exploring Working my way through the list, I sought to fill my blank page. First, although I love a good empanada as much as the next person, that didn’t really speak encouragement to me. (Now, if you want to make me empanadas…I’m thinking there’s a good chance I will be doing some serious celebrating…but I digress.)

Pageant and Zoo Lovers Day weren’t really crankin’ the tractor either.

International Romani Day led to an interesting read on a people group I knew nothing about (score one for broadening my horizons!).  

Then finally, National All is Ours Day. I was intrigued. If your mind jumps to conclusions like mine, let me reassure you - All is Ours Day is not a day set aside by 2-year-olds everywhere to proclaim in unison, “MINE!” (They don’t need a special day for that.)

All is Ours Day celebrates appreciation.

Appreciation for the beauty and grace of nature all around us. Appreciation for what we have. Appreciation for what we can share.

I needed All is Ours Day. I suspect you do too.

On that note, let’s walk this out together:

1. I appreciate ___________ about nature. (Name something you can see, feel, smell, hear, or taste right now. Then take a moment and enjoy.)

2. I appreciate ___________ in my life. (No matter how bleak your circumstances may be, there is always something to appreciate.)

3. I appreciate the ability to share ___________. (An encouraging word, act of service, small gift, a smile? Whatever you fill in here, share it today.)

You and I are not the only ones that need the gift of appreciation. We also don’t have to wait for an annual celebration of All is Ours Day to live and give out appreciation.

The blank page has words now. I’m smiling about pretty flowers, snotty little ones and hugs shared. I hope you found encouragement too.


written by Kelli Keller


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I’m fine.